That's a wrap for Art in Bloom 2023!
Artwork in Bloom arrived at the PMA just at the ideal time to get us out of the winter doldrums and truly feel the spring vibes Check out designer profiles,…
How Our Ultra Limited Edition Ventured Into the Unknown
A portal, out in space. How did it get here? How does it work? But most importantly, why do we absolutely have to know what’s on the other side??? Something’s…
Celebrate 40 Years of Artistic Excellence with Our Annual Competition and New Cover Prize!
The Artists Magazine’s annual Competition turns 40 this year! Since launching in 1983, the magazine has celebrated more than 1,200 works of art, showcasing the artists and their prizewinning creations…
Making Art Work | Alex Olson | Episode 925
Podcast: Engage in in new window | Download Alex Olson | Episode 925 Alex Olson would make pottery and will work as a freelance photographer in Brooklyn, New York. Alex…
A Vortex of Hoplessness – Maniscalco Gallery
Christelle This is a really hard matter and I’m possibly out of my league talking about, because I’m a member of white center course by delivery. But probably, that is…
Do the Opposite with Your Blog and Newsletter
This is the epiphany that I had this week: A lot of artists are previously publishing these smaller bits of information…on their sites…in which no one ever sees it. They…