Inspiration Close at Hand
Artists’ Gardens
George Van Hook
Iris 30 x 24″ Oil © George Van Hook
In response to our “Inspiration Close at Hand” call for paintings created in artists’ gardens or other personal spaces, we received these five images from artist, George Van Hook. Although inspiration can be found far and wide, many of us have found “diamonds in own backyard”, especially throughout the confinement of the pandemic. There can be great creative benefits to painting a more intimate and personal world throughout the changes of light and season.
The Flower Farm 12 x 16″ Oil © George Van Hook
George wrote to us, “I usually spend a good portion of the summer months painting the figure in the several beautiful flower gardens that encircle our home in Upstate New York. We’ve lived her for nearly thirty five years, and from the very beginning it was our intention to make the surrounding landscape a haven for painting. That, coupled with the delightful presence of our own three daughters, and with their many friends, meant that I would never lack for subjects or models!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the years of work, and, looking back over the many paintings that I have done here, it’s a joy to observe the growth of both the gardens, and the wonderful family and friends that have given me so many hours of inspiration.”
In the Garden 30 x 24″ Oil © George Van Hook
Afternoon Reading 30 x 24″ Oil © George Van Hook
A Quiet Moment 30 x 24″ Oil © George Van Hook
You can see more of Van Hook’s work at George Van Hook Fine Art, or read our previous interview with him at Voices of Experience – George Van Hook.
If you have paintings of your own garden landscape spaces that you’d like to share, drop us a line.
Inspiration from the gardens of artists.
Copyright Hulsey Trusty Designs, L.L.C. (except where noted). All rights reserved.